Juozas Lazutka

prof. Juozas Lazutka

Profesorius, habilituotas daktaras


8 5 239 8257

Elektroninis paštas juozas.lazutka@gf.vu.lt


Trumpas CV:

1977 – 1982 m. studijos Vilniaus universitete, Gamtos mokslų fakultete (biologija, genetika).

Nuo 1982 m. VU GMF Botanikos ir genetikos katedros darbuotojas.

1987 m. apginta gamtos mokslų daktaro disertacija Bendrosios genetikos institute Maskvoje, 1994 m. habilituoto mokslų daktaro disertacija  Vilniaus universitete.

1997 m. Lietuvos mokslo premijos laureatas (premija paskirta kartu su grupe VU Ekologinės genetikos mokslininkų).

1994 ir 1997 m. stažuotės Lundo universitete (Švedija), 2004 m. – Mičigano universitete (JAV).

Mokslinių interesų sritys:

Genetinė toksikologija; molekulinė ekologija; radiacinė genetika


 Dėstomi kursai:


Elgsenos genetika;

Eukariotų chromosomų struktūra;

Genetikos pagrindai .


 Visuomeninė veikla:

Narystė Lietuvos Genetikų ir selekcininkų draugijoje bei Šiaurės šalių aplinkos mutagenų draugijoje.

Žinių ekonomikos forumo Tarybos narys


 Pagrindinės mokslinės publikacijos (1990-2004) :

1. Barsiene, J; Lazutka, J; Syvokiene, J; et al. Analysis of micronuclei in blue mussels and fish from the Baltic and North Seas. Environmental Toxicology, 19 (4): 365-371, 2004

2. Jarmalaite, S; Kannio, A; Anttila, S; et al. Aberrant p16 promoter methylation in smokers and former smokers with nonsmall cell lung cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 106 (6): 913-918, 2003

3. Stoncius, D; Lazutka, JR. Spontaneous and benzo[a]pyrene-induced micronuclei in the embryos of the black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus L.). Mutation Research, 538 (1-2): 31-39, 2003.

4. Lazutka, JR; Stapulionyte, A; Bjerketvedt, DK; et al. Seasonal variation in the frequency of abnormal anaphases and mitotic index values in wild populations of herb-Paris (Paris quadrifolia L., Trilliaceae): implications for genetic monitoring. Mutation Research, 534 (1-2): 113-122, 2003.

5.  Slapsyte, G; Jankauskiene, A; Mierauskiene, J; et al. Cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes of children treated with nitrofurantoin for recurrent urinary tract infection. Mutagenesis, 17 (1): 31-35, 2002.

6.  Lazutka, JR; Mierauskiene, J; Slapsyte, G; et al. Genotoxicity of dill (Anethum graveolens L.), peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) essential oils in human lymphocytes and Drosophila melanogaster. Food And Chemical Toxicology, 39 (5): 485-492,  2001.

7. Slapsyte, G; Jankauskiene, A; Mierauskiene, J; et al. Cytogenetic analysis of children under long-term antibacterial therapy with nitroheterocyclic compound furagin. Mutation Research, 491 (1-2): 25-30,  2001.

8.  Sabaliunas, D; Lazutka, JR; Sabaliuniene, I. Acute toxicity and genotoxicity of aquatic hydrophobic pollutants sampled with semipermeable membrane devices. Environmental Pollution, 109 (2): 251-265,  2000.

9.  Lazutka, JR; Lekevicius, R; Dedonyte, V; et al. Chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges in Lithuanian populations: effects of occupational and environmental exposures. Mutation Research, 445 (2): 225-239, 1999.

10. Sabaliunas, D; Lazutka, J; Sabaliuniene, I; et al. Use of semipermeable membrane devices for studying effects of organic pollutants: Comparison of pesticide uptake by semipermeable membrane devices and mussels. Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry, 17 (9): 1815-1824, 1998.

11. Lazutka, JR; Neel, JV; Major, EO; et al. High titers of antibodies to two human polyomaviruses, JCV and BKV, correlate with increased frequency of chromosomal damage in human lymphocytes. Cancer Letters, 109 (1-2): 177-183, 1996.

12. Lazutka, JR. Genetic toxicity of cytokines. Mutation Research, 361 (2-3): 95-105, 1996.

13. Lazutka, JR. Chromosome aberrations and rogue cells in lymphocytes of Chernobyl clean-up workers. Mutation Research, 350 (2): 315-329, 1996.

14. LAZUTKA, JR. Current issues in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis .62. Sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and high-frequency cells (HFCs) in human-population studies - principles of their analysis. Mutation Research, 331 (2): 229-231, 1995.

15. Lazutka, JR; Dedonyte, V. Increased frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes of chernobyl cleanup workers. International Journal Of Radiation Biology, 67 (6): 671-676, 1995.

16. Lazutka, JR; Dedonyte, V; Krapavickaite, D. Sister-chromatid exchanges and their distribution in human-lymphocytes in relation to age, sex and smoking. Mutation Research, 306 (2): 173-180, 1994.

17. Lazutka, JR. Analysis of cellular kinetics in PHA-stimulated blood-lymphocytes - a commentary. Mutation Research, 290 (2): 317-318, 1993.

18. Mierauskiene, J; Lekevicius, R; Lazutka, JR. Anticlastogenic effects of aevitum intake in a group of chemical-industry workers. Hereditas, 118 (3): 201-204, 1993.

19.  Lazutka, JR; Rudaitiene, S. Modulation by novobiocin of sister-chromatid exchanges induced by tumor-necrosis-factor in human-lymphocytes. Mutation Research, 268 (2): 217-221, 1992.

20. Lazutka, JR; Dedonyte, V; Lekevicius, RK. Sister chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes of normal and alcoholic subjects. Experientia, 48 (5): 508-512, 1992.

21. Dedonyte, V; Domza, B; Lazutka, JR; et al. Sister chromatid exchanges and lymphocyte hyperdiploidy in women with a history of reproductive wastage. Hereditas, 114 (3): 277-279, 1991.

22. Lazutka, JS; Dedonyte, VV. Decrease in the sister chromatid exchange frequency during a prolonged cultivation of human-lymphocytes. TSITOLOGIYA, 32 (12): 1193-1196, 1990.

23. Lazutka, Jr; Rudaitiene, S. Effect of tumor-necrosis-factor on cell-proliferation kinetics and sister chromatid exchange frequency in human-lymphocytes. Carcinogenesis, 12 (7): 1355-1357, 1991.

24. Lazutka, JR. Replication index in cultured human-lymphocytes - methods for statistical-analysis and possible role in genetic toxicology. Environmental And Molecular Mutagenesis, 17 (3): 188-195, 1991.

25. Lazutka, JR; Jarmalaite, S; Lekevicius, R. Modifying effects of interferon and puromycin on cytogenetic damage induced by alkylating drug phopurine in human-lymphocytes. Acta Biologica Hungarica, 41 (1-3): 137-148, 1990.

26. Lazutka, YS. Sister chromatid exchanges in cells of higher eukaryotes. Tsitologiya, 32 (10): 977-984, 1990.

27. Lazutka, JR; Slapsyte, G. Persistence of cytogenetic damage induced by alkylating antineoplastic drug phopurinum in human-lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro. Cancer Letters, 54 (3): 113-118, 1990.

28.Dedonyte, VV; Lazutka, JS; Lekevicius, RK. A lowered frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in pregnant-women. Tsitologiya, 32 (5): 520-523, 1990.